
making earth cooler

organisation description

Nature-based solutions for companies to engage in reforestation

With its headquarters in Belgium, WeForest drives forest restoration projects all over the world. Dedicated teams work closely together with rural communities and local organisations to develop scalable forest restoration projects. WeForest, backed by a scientific network, is growing a movement of small and large responsible companies committed to having a positive impact for people and planet. 



My involvement: for eight months, I assisted the WeForest projects in Ethiopia, based in Mekelle. Currently, as projects support officer in Zambia, my technical support facilitates implementation of the Katanino project and the Luanshya project. In the field, my camera never leaves my side. This led to a short assignment on Mount Mulanje, Malawi, to visually tell the story of the critically endangered Mulanje cedar. Explore more by sliding over the photographs.